Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Life in Technicolor

Yes, it is a title to a Coldplay song but what I wanted to let you know about is that Technicolor has created a new CineStyle Picture Style Canon EOS cameras. They have produced it and are offering it for free; which is always great.

The Technicolor website has a link for download, some Q&A's, and instructions on how to install the new picture style. It should be noted that you have to have the Canon EOS Utility Software to install it; which it came with my camera. I installed it with not issues at all and was pretty quick to do.

A friend of mine emailed me a link to a post by Philip Bloom talking about the new picture style and Vincent Laforet also has a post about it with examples shots. Here is a link where you can find all of the details including the actual download from Technicolor.

The advantage you get with the CineStyle Picture Style is that you get added dynamic range. It gives less contrast to the shot or video which isn't my general style but it really has its place. Keep in mind that if you shoot in RAW format then you really don't care too much about Picture Styles; which I almost exclusively shoot in RAW. The exception for me really will be in shooting video where the Picture Style is baked in.

Here are a few examples, including video, so you can see the difference it makes. I tried to find shots that had both dark and bright spots in the frame.

It should be noted that the CineStyle was developed in mind for shooting video and then allowing users a good neutral base to then process using video editing software such as After Effects.

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